If you are struggling to fix the click and link tracking issues, and finding a reliable solution in WordPress then you definitely need to read this article.

Yes, in this article I’m going to introduce an all-in-one WordPress link and click-tracking plugin.
When we run different campaigns at a different platform, we need to track or collect data of those campaigns, conversion, links, or the whole performance, it becomes very difficult without any tools.

If you are an online marketer then you definitely faced this issue.

That is why Shorty WP has been created to make it easier for you to gather all these pieces of information in one window. So that you can easily get access to all the data you need and do research for your next step as well as maintain campaigns.

Before dig-down to much further, let’s take a short introduction of Shorty WP. Track And Optimize

All Your Marketing, All In One Place. 


What Is Shorty WP?

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ShortyWP is an all-in-one marketing solution WordPress plugin that helps you with affiliate link cloaking, tracking, conversion optimization and retargeting, intelligent report that is specially designed for online marketers, and many more.

This plugin is being maintained by Kash Media. It is one of the most popular choices for now, and thousands of online marketers and entrepreneurs are using this plugin all over the world.

Shorty WP claims that after using their services, many of its users got up to 705% growth in affiliate sales.

Learn more about shortywp

Shorty WP Features 

In this article, we are not going to cover how to install this plugin. We don’t want to make this article too large.


So, let’s have a look of the key features of ShortyWP that going to transform your workflow into the next level.

  1. Shorten, Cloak, and track Links
  2. Performance Monitoring
  3. Links and Campaign Monitoring
  4. Conversion Monitoring
  5. Import and Export data

Besides, it comes with many more beneficial features, Such as Multiple User Access Control, Monitoring & Downtime Alerts, Keyword-2-Link Monetization, Retargeting & Pixel Injection, Click Limit & Link Expiration, Country-Based Redirects, and more.

Shorten, Cloak, and track Links

If you are been a while in the online marketing industry then you might know that visitors feel more interested to click on a link that looks clean.

Since the intention of creating Shorty WP was to help you as much as possible, that is why Shorty WP allows you to shorten your URLs automatically, and if you want you can create a link with custom words.

So that you can promote your products or services with clean and natural URLs. If you want to gather information about your campaigns then you’ll have to transform your long tails URL into a more organized short trackable URL.

Most online marketers run multiple campaigns at the same time. I’ve seen many marketers who run over 70 campaigns at the same time. Then locating a particular offer became difficult.

That is why this Link name will help you to identify this particular offer link among so many other links.
ShortyWp collects all the data you’ll need to take your campaign to the next level. And if you are an advanced user, then you can use parameter tagging as well. It allows you to add-

  • Forward Parameters
  • Forward Campaign Tag
  • Affiliate SubID Tracking (Includes SubID Format, Custom SubID)
  • Keyword Linking (Meta keywords)

Performance Monitoring


This is one of the amazing things that Shorty WP does smartly. This report has been optimized specially for Online marketers to boost their sales.

You can review the performance reports of your campaigns from the report menu.
To access these pieces of information, go to the Shorty WP interface and locate the Reports menu from the menu bar and click on it.

A new page will appear called Performance reports. You’ll see a sub-menu bar in the middle of the page. Locate Overview and click on it.

From here you can access data about how many visitors clicked on your links, how many of them visited the main sales page, how many conversions have been made, Conversion rate, how much revenue you’ve earned, and more.

Shorty WP also allows you to view reports by setting up a time duration. The time you’ll set, Shorty WP will show reports from that particular time.

Links and Campaign Monitoring 

Link and Campaign are two different menus. Using these options, you’ll be able to learn about the Performance of your campaigns. Here Shorty WP gives you data like Traffic source, Visitors, Visit, Conversion and Conversion rate, ad cost, CPA, CPC, Revenue, RPV, and profit.

You can view reports by setting up a time duration just like the previous time.

By learning these pieces of information about your campaigns, you’ll be able to make a stable plan for your next step and grow sales.

Using the Link menu, lets you view reports about particular links performance so that you can easily understand which campaign needs your attention more.

Conversion Monitoring

Every information Shorty WP gathered about your campaign conversion will be shown on the Conversion submenu.

So, all the conversion have been made will be shown here in details. Like Conversion date, Conversion name, Type, Amount, Reference ID, Status, Actions, and more.

Just like other submenus, you’ll be able to set the time duration to view reports. And if the report is too large, that means you’ll be required to go to the next page in order to view more results. Shorty WP gives you an option to view more reports on a single page.

But this is not the interesting part. The interesting part is Shorty WP will collect data of conversions as much as possible. It’ll collect data like conversion name, amount, conversion type, triggered URL, conversion from which campaign, country, and city, IP address of the customer, even collect notes if have any.

Shorty WP shows you the exact location where the conversion has been made. These pieces of information are like a crown jewel for any online marketer.

Import and Export data

IMPORT: For some reason, if it is required to add any conversion data manually, Shorty WP allows you to do that easily. You can add it using the direct input field or you can upload CSV file to add data.

EXPORT: ShortyWP packed with so many beneficial features to boost your sales and expand your business. One more useful feature is Export data. Shorty WP gives you an option to export all the reports or collected data to your computer as CSV file.

So that you can store this information (database of your campaign and conversion or sales details) and do your research in order to take your business to the next level.

Shorty WP Pricing plans

ShortyWP has been developed by keeping sales growth in mind. With proper usage, it can help you boost your affiliate sales by 705%. Yet the pricing plan of ShortyWP is reasonably cheaper than other alternatives.

The pricing plans are given below-

Shorty Basic: With a One-Time Payment of $37 only.

  • Shorten & Track Links.
  • Affiliate Sub ID Tracking.
  • Retargeting & Pixel Injection.
  • Click Limit & Link Expiration.

Shorty PRO: With a One-Time Payment of $97 only.

  • Monitor PPC Costs & ROI.
  • Import Affiliate CSV Files.
  • Country Based Redirects.
  • Instant Postback URL Builder.

Shorty Agency: With a One-Time Payment of $167 only.

  • Detailed Conversion Reports.
  • Instant Postback URL Builder.
  • Multiple User Access Control.
  • Link Monitoring & Downtime Alerts.

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ShortyWP Pros & Cons

All products have some advantages and disadvantages, but the company tries to fix the disadvantages and move to the highest position in terms of quality. As I have seen, some of the pros and cons of

ShortyWp are discussed below:


  • Easily installable. Just upload the ZIP file and activate the plugin once installed.
  • Comes with an easy-to-use yet powerful dashboard. Even a beginner can monitor activities and analyze reports with ease.
  • ShortyWP provides a detailed conversion report. You can find and analyze these data in the report section.
  • The pricing plans seem reasonably cheaper than other alternative services. Ideal for beginners.
  • It also lets you cloak social links from platforms like Facebook and Instagram.


  • If you want to upgrade your plan, you will have to pay the regular price to upgrade.
  • There is not enough documentation and guides on the web about ShortyWP.
  • Multiple user access controls are only available for Agency plans. It would be great if this feature was in the Pro Plan.

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Should I Use Shorty WP?

We’ve found this Plugin really helpful, lightweight, powerful. Every Online marketer spent a lot of money to get conversion but not all of them can manage their marketing process smartly.

Besides, maintaining so many offers, tracking, links, and campaigns is quite difficult.

Shorty WP helps you to maintain your workflow and keep you more organized. It has more beneficial features like Campaign Management, Goals, and more.

Visit Shorty Wp Official Website

With Shorty WP, you can easily access, track, manage all of your promotions in one interface, and using that information you can boost your sales up to 705%. What more an Online marketer can expect?

Currently, they are offering 3 different packages. You’ll have to choose and purchase a package in order to get these facilities.

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