Looking for the easiest way to collect data online? If you surf the internet for a while, you will find hundreds of sites that let you collect user data. However, finding a dedicated data collection platform is another story.

That is why I have come up with the best solution for you. Using it, you will be able to create unlimited forms and easily integrate with over 2200 different platforms.

Sounds cool? Not only that, but it also provides in-depth insights so you can analyze the data.

[su_label type=”success”]Link: [/su_label] I’m talking about CabinPanda.

In this article, you will learn more about CabinPanda. And how it can help you collect & analyze data with ease.


What Is CabinPanda?

CabinPanda is an all-in-one platform that lets you collect, analyze, and leverage data with high-quality online forms for your website.

It’s an alternative to JotForm and best for marketing agencies and startups that want fast-track data collection and analytics with online forms.

With CabinPanda you can create a wide variety of forms from pop-ups to schedule, instantly.

[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntUMyZzEmYI” width=”820″ height=”420″]

Seamlessly connect your forms with over 2,200 platforms. If you can dream up a form, CabinPanda can help you build it.

With a simple drag-and-drop interface that doesn’t require any coding, you can build beautiful forms to make data collection a breeze.

Choose from one of CabinPanda’s customizable templates or create forms from scratch to fit your needs, so you can reach your lead generation goals.

[su_label type=”success”]Link: [/su_label] Learn more about CabinPanda

CabinPanda Features

CabinPanda comes with advanced features that you need to create and publish forms on any platform with ease. Some of the features are given below-


Since CabinPanda is a dedicated data collection platform, it let you create any kind of form with ease. You can create regular forms with unlimited fields per form. Also, you can use pop-up forms, conversational forms, schedule forms, even back endless forms.

Publish & Integrations:

Once you’ve created a form, you can publish it on any platform using their apps or URLs. CabinPanda lets you integrate with over 2200 platforms, including Slack, Mailchimp, or HubSpot.

Session recorder:

Track each visitor and see what they are doing on your website with recorder video. Yes, CabinPanda records videos of what users are doing.

Accept payments:

With CabinPanda, you can connect your forms with payment gateways and accept payments from your customers. It let you connect your forms to Stripe or other payment gateways.


Just publishing forms is not enough. Once you’ve received enough entry, you must analyze those data. To do that with ease, CabinPanda comes with a detailed analyzer. By analyzing data, now you can see how your forms are performing.

[su_label type=”success”]Link: [/su_label] Learn more about CabinPanda’s features.

CabinPanda Pricing Plans

Monthly subscription plans of CabinPanda are given below-

Free- at $0 per month.

  • 100 MB Available spaces.
  • 100 Monthly responses.
  • Unlimited Form views.
  • 1 User.

Starter- at $15 per month.

  • 2 GB Available spaces.
  • 500 Monthly responses.
  • Unlimited Form views.
  • 1 User.

Professional- at $35 per month.

  • Everything is in the starter.
  • 4 GB Available spaces.
  • 1000 Monthly responses.
  • 3 Team members.

Premium- at $68 per month.

  • Everything in the professional plan.
  • 10 GB Available spaces.
  • 10000 Monthly responses.
  • 7 Team members.


CabinPanda Appsumo Lifetime Deal

Collect and analyze online data with all the tools you need bundling into one platform. Every time a lead fills out a form, a marketer gets their wings (or a large coffee or whatever).

Don’t miss out on valuable data and lead info with clunky forms or limited analytics. Instead, create beautiful, customizable forms with robust analytics that integrate with your favorite tools and offer all the features you need.

[su_label type=”success”]Link: [/su_label] Get lifetime access to CabinPanda today!

Plans and Features (Deal Terms) – Start at $59

  • All form types
  • Unlimited domains
  • Unlimited form views
  • Unlimited form counts
  • Unlimited fields per form
  • All integrations (Zapier included)

[su_button url=”https://appsumo.8odi.net/NKQ9vv” target=”blank” style=”3d” background=”#ea894f” size=”6″]Get lifetime access to CabinPanda today![/su_button]

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