Do you want to give your viewers the best browsing experience? More than 70% of visitors expect your site to load in a few seconds.

They can wait for 3 to 7 seconds, but when the loading time went more than 8 seconds, visitors are no longer interested in seeing your website.

I hope you don’t want to discourage your visitors from visiting your site.

You can use a proper caching plugin to speed up your WordPress site and boost performance.

It is one of the best ways to ensure your website loads faster. A faster website improves user experience and encourages your visitors to see more pages.

Importance of using a caching plugin

Cache is basically a collection of temporarily stored data to access websites quickly. The data is usually stored in the hard disk of your computer.

How Does It Work?

On the first step, a caching plugin creates static HTML pages of your website and stores it on your server.

And the second step, when a user tries to access your website, your caching plugin provides the lighter HTML page instead of processing the relatively heavier WordPress PHP scripts.

Moreover, the Google search engine algorithm gives additional priority to a faster website and tries to keep it on the top.

That means a faster website also helps you drive more traffic to your website from organic search.

Which is what we want, right?

Now let’s see the best five WordPress caching plugin in the market.

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1. WP Rocket


WP Rocket is the most popular and one of the best WordPress caching plugin available on the market.
Also, it is one of the easiest and most starter-friendly caching plugins.

The configuration process is super simple, which keeps this plugin ahead in the competition.

You will be able to use this even if you do not know much about the technical terms used for other caching plugins.

Your website caching will be activated instantly once you activate this plugin.

It Comes With Various Beneficial Features-

  • All those settings recommended by WordPress, it automatically turns it on. Such as- GZIP compression, Page caching, Cache preloading, Sitemap preloading, etc.
  • Browser caching, Database optimization, Google fonts optimization.
  • One more amazing feature is Lazyload. That means images will be loaded only if your visitors scroll down the page. It surprisingly improves the loading time of the page. Most of the major websites (YouTube, Facebook, Yahoo) are using this technique.
  • They also offering Mobile detection, CND (Content Delivery Networks), DNS prefetching and more.

WP Rocket also has loads of hook, using this feature developer can easily make advanced customization’s.

You can use this super beneficial plugin at an affordable price.

[button url= target=blank size=12 color=77BB66 radius=10 icon=external]Check Out WP Rocket Official Website[/button]

2. WP Super Cache

This is another popular cache plugin which is recommended by various WordPress hosting companies.

WP Super Cache has over a million active installs. It is one of the best free caching solutions available for WordPress powered sites.

The plugin basically creates static HTML files from your WordPress site and caches it instead of WordPress PHP scripts.

WP Super Cache comes with almost all the caching features you’ll need to speed up your website.

Such As-

  • GZIP compression
  • Page caching
  • Mobile detection (It can also Cache for viewers using a mobile device)
  • CDN support (Content Delivery Networks)
  • Advanced cache preloading
  • deletion and re-caching manager with a schedule and more.

It gives three options for decreasing load times:

  • Use mod_rewrite to provide static pages
  • Serves static pages using PHP
  • Use the dedicated mode that caches pages for logged in users.

This plugin has separate tabs and settings sections for setting up the plugin easily. You can use this plugin for free to speed up your website.

[button url=# target=blank size=12 color=77BB66 radius=10 icon=external]check out WP Super Cache official website[/button]

3. W3 Total Cache


W3 Total Cache is a comprehensive caching plugin with a ton of features for WordPress powered websites.

It has been designed to increase user experience and improve page load times using the WordPress Performance Optimization Framework.

With W3 Total cache, it doesn’t matter where your site is hosted.

Whether it is a shared hosting or dedicated server you will find this plugin beneficial to boost the performance of your site.

It includes all the features are needed to properly set up cache on your WordPress site.

  • Page caching
  • GZIP compression for web browser rendering optimization
  • Sitemap Preloading
  • CloudFlare Compatibility
  • CDN support (Content Delivery Networks)
  • Mobile devices and Connected user detection
  • Export / Import (With this feature, you’ll be able to import your favorite setting from another similar plugin.)

It also supports browser caching. With this feature, static content (CSS, JavaScript, images) is stored in the browser.

So when a visitor goes to another page of your website, then your static content will not be reloaded.

This plugin has an extensive setting panel which can be good news for most of the developers who wants to manually configure the settings.

[button url=# target=blank size=12 color=77BB66 radius=10 icon=external]check out W3 Total Cache official website[/button]

4. WP Fastest Cache


WP Fastest Cache is well known as arguably the simplest and fastest WP-Cache system. It comes with only the necessary configuration settings for WordPress caching.

No unwanted features were included, which makes it simpler and easier to use even for beginners.

WP fastest cache creates static HTML files from your dynamic WordPress site and saves it in the cache.

The plugin comes with a lot of features that can help you to boost the performance of your website.

Such As-

  • Browser caching
  • GZIP compression
  • Database cleanup
  • Image optimization
  • Minification (Minification surprisingly improves site speed and accessibility)
  • SSL & CDN support (Content Delivery Networks)
  • Mobile caching and active users detection. And also gives you the option to enable and disable cache for mobile devices. And a lot more.

Also, this plugin uses mod_rewrite to generate static HTML files on your website.

You can get this plugin for free from the official WordPress plugins repository. Though they have a premium version.

You can upgrade to the premium version to use a lot of enhanced features.

[button url=# target=blank size=12 color=77BB66 radius=10 icon=external]check out WP Fastest Cache official website[/button]

5. Comet Cache


If you are running a membership site or eCommerce site, that require your users to register or log in then this might be the proper solution for you.

Because Comet Cache comes with the features to cache logged-in users.

Though, there are other plugins available with this feature too.

This plugin uses some advanced features to understand when it should send a cached version to a user and when it should not.

Which is unique. For example: If a visitor recently commented on the website or a user is logged in, then this plugin does not serve the cache pages to that user.

It does that by default, though you can change this from the settings panel.

It also includes all other necessary features that you’ll need to speed up your website-

  • CDN support (Popular CDN like CloudFront, MaxCDN and more)
  • Ability to set time when the cache will be expired
  • Browser caching
  • 404 (Not found) Request Caching
  • GZIP compression
  • JS/CSS Concatenation and Minification
  • Server load monitoring and many more.

This is a premium plugin that filled with a lot of premium features. You can use the premium pack by just paying a one-time fee.

The price starts from $39 to $139.

Though you can use the free version if you want.

[button url=# target=blank size=12 color=77BB66 radius=10 icon=external]check out Comet Cache official website[/button]

📝 Which One Should I Choose?

Which plugin is good for you, it depends on your budget and type of your website.

If you have a long-term plan for your website or if you want the best and high-end solution then you can use the WP Rocket cache plugin.

Or If you want to use the best free WordPress caching plugin that does the job, then choose either WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache.

Hope this article helped you to choose the best cache plugin for your website.


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