To ensure the security of your website you do a lot of things, Right? How many plugins do you use to increase user experience and ensure the security of your website? Also, you update plugins and pay the Monthly Subscription fee as well. After your so much effort, are you sure your website is completely secure? Any digital devices or services are not 100% hackproof.
One more important thing you should do to keep your website secure is, back up your website regularly.

Which one is the best?

There are so many different Backup plugins available in the market. So, this is quite possible that you might be overwhelmed. Choosing the right plugin that suits for your needs is no easy task. Almost every good Backup Plugin has a few key features that you’ll need to look first to choose the best.
The key features that every good Backup Plugin should have-

  • Allow you to Backup your Database.
  • Allow you to Backup your entire website including WordPress files.
  • Automatically backup your website on a specific schedule.
  • Easy to use. And also contain a user interface that let you take quick action.
  • Also let you Backup your website in a remote location like Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Amazon s3, etc.

Now let’s see some of the best Backup Plugin for your website.

1. UpdraftPlus

UpdraftPlus is the most powerful and easy to use WordPress Backup Plugin available on the market. It allows you to make a complete backup of your WordPress site and let you store it on the cloud. And UpdraftPlus also gives you an option if you want to download the backup files to your computer. It is one of the highest rating backup and restores plugin that you’ll find at (4.8 stars out of 5.0).
It allows you to Back up files and databases on separate schedules. It also supports both automated and manual backup on a frequent schedule. You can even set a specific time, days, hours: every 4, 8, 12 hours; daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
UpdraftPlus offering more remote storage options than any other WordPress backup plugin. It supports cloud backup to FTP servers, Amazon S3 at any region, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Google Cloud Storage, and also Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. And more than that they encrypt you Database Backups before transport to cloud storage which is obviously an amazing feature to have.
UpdraftPlus has both free and premium version available on the market. The free version is fully packed with almost all the essential features you’ll need. And if you need more enhanced features then you can get the premium package, starts from $49 per year.

2. BackupBuddy

BackupBuddy is one of the best and powerful WordPress Backup plugins. It let you create backup easily and set a specific time for auto backup. You can even backup your website on schedule daily, weekly, and monthly backups. BackupBuddy also supports remote backup. That means you can easily store your backups in cloud storage services like Amazon S3, Dropbox, Rackspace Cloud, FTP and more.
It has a few unique ways to Backup that most of the other WordPress backups plugins do not have like, run database, files-only or complete backups even let you set up custom backup profiles and more. BackupBuddy will let you know instantly via email about when the backup process is finished or needs your attention. So that you can always be sure you have a current backup of your website.
Once your website backup is completed it let you download a zip file of your entire website. It could be a cost-effective WordPress backup solution for you. It has all the features that you’ll need to backup, restore and move your WordPress site. They currently have 3 different packages. You can choose one based on your need.

3. VaultPress (by Jetpack)

VaultPress is a popular WordPress Backup and Security plugin VaultPress was built by Matt Mullenweg and his team at Automattic. Matt Mullenweg is the co-founder of the open-source blogging platform, WordPress, the most popular publishing platform on the web.
With VaultPress it is easy to keep an up-to-date backup of your site with both daily and real-time syncing of all your entire WordPress website. VaultPress also run comprehensive security scans daily to ensure your site stays safe. This way VaultPress makes it easy to review and fix threats. It also lets you browse your entire history of backups and instantly download your database, uploads, themes, and plugins.
Restore process is simple. VaultPress connects your site to the VaultPress servers then WordPress optimize backups and automatically run the security scan. Provide FTP or SSH information, and VaultPress will automatically restore any backup to your site with just a few clicks.
It has a few downsides, you’ll need to install Jetpack on your website and connect it to account. And you’ll have to select and buy a plan to get the benefit of this service. And the billing system is different from other similar plugins. If you want to use this plugin, you’ll have to pay the fee per websites. So, if you have multiple websites then the expense might be pretty high.

4. BackWPup

BackWPup is an amazing WordPress backup plugin that you can use for free. With this plugin, you’ll be able to create complete WordPress backups for free and store it on a remote location like Dropbox, Amazon S3, Rackspace etcetera. Also, on FTP and email, you can even download it on your computer.
BackWPup has all the essential features you’ll need to backup your WordPress website. Also, the plugin is very easy to use. And with this plugin, you can easily set up schedule automatic backups based on your site’s update frequency. Restoring a WordPress website from a backup file is also very easy.
But all the enhanced features are not available in the free version of this plugin. You’ll have to upgrade to the PRO version to get all the benefits of advanced features. Such as store backup files on a remote location like Dropbox, Google Drive and much more.
You can use this amazing Backup plugin completely free of cost. But if you need to use those advanced features, you’ll have to choose a PRO plan. Currently, they are offering 5 different packages. You can choose one based on your needs.

5. WP Time Capsule

WP Time Capsule is a smart and one of the most enhanced WordPress backup solutions available on the market. It comes with some amazing features that could be beneficial for you. One of the amazing features is, every time any change happens on your website is backed up immediately. That means you’ll always have an up-to-date backup of your website automatically.
If your business website is in a critical condition, any lapse in performance could be catastrophic. WP Time Capsule has a solution for this kind of situation and comes with an amazing feature, using this feature you can test changes or updates in the Staging website before going live.
WP Time Capsule also allows you to back up your website to your favorite remote location like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Amazon S3. It also gives you the ability to revert your website to how it was just an hour ago. Since WP Time Capsule only backup the changes, the total space used is infinitesimal. So, you can also reduce this to daily or weekly.
WP Time Capsule could be beneficial for you if you want to back up only your recent files. You can use this amazing solution at an affordable price. You can choose between a yearly price or one-time price. Though they are offering full-featured trials for 30 days to try out their service.

Which one should I choose?

We have discussed the best 5 WordPress Backup Solutions for you in 2019. Though all 5 of them could be beneficial in different ways but UpdraftPlus will be the perfect solution for most of you guys. And if you want to use all the enhanced premium features then you can try out BackupBuddy.
Hope this article is helped you to find the best solution for your needs.

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