WordPress is extremely customizable and it gives you a ton of options to add and remove features to your website. WordPress let you do that by installing different plugins and add-ons.
The contact form is a feature that you can add on your site by installing plugins. Having a Contact form on your website gives your visitors a nice way to communicate with you and let them engage with a community.
You will find thousands of Contact Form plugins in the WordPress repository, but not all of them are good.
Most of the Contact Form plugins will give you a buggy feel which is not good for your site. That is why we’ve compared the best 5 Contact Form plugins for WordPress in 2019 so that you can understand which one is perfect for your website.

Let’s see- The best 5 Contact Form for WordPress

  1. WPForms
  2. Formidable
  3. Gravity Forms
  4. Contact Form 7
  5. Ninja Forms

How to choose the right plugin for you

Almost every plugin has some good aspects and each plugin also has some downsides because all the plugins are not equally alike, so you need to understand which one is perfect for you.
Since there are many different types of websites, and the necessity of the contact form is also different.
So before you choose a plugin, you have to look at some of the fundamentals of each plugin.

  • Features- A good Contact Form will let you create almost all kind of online forms like Payment form, Subscription form, User registration form and more.
  • Easy to use- A good contact form plugin must have a simple and easy user interface. So, you can easily create a contact form.
  • Responsive- The contact form that you create should support almost all the devices.
  • Price- Before purchasing a plugin, please consider that the investment is worth it.
  • Documentation- The documentation should be broadly expanded, which easily carries you through the various features of the plugin.
  • Support- You also need to choose a plugin that is developed by a team with a good reputation for providing outstanding customer service.

1. WPForms

WPForms is one of the most popular Contact Form plugins for WordPress. This plugin is easy to use and also powerful.
You can make amazing online forms with its powerful drag and drop form builder in a short period of time. WPForms has some powerful features that make it one of the most powerful and user-friendly online form builder in the market.
You can create an online form using pre-build form templates to save more time. You don’t need to know a single line of code to create Contact Forms for your website.
You can easily create an amazing form in just a few minutes using Drag and Drop form builder.
Each form you create will be 100% responsive means it works on any desktop, mobile or tablets. WPForms let you manage and view all of your leads in one place to streamline your workflow.
Its also offer you instant notification features. Using this feature, you will be able to respond to your leads quickly. With WPForms it is easy to receive the donation, payments or online orders without hiring a developer.
WPForms will help you to create a high performing form using Smart Conditional Logic. And more features available such as spam protection, easy embed and many more to give you the best experience.

So, what do you want from a Contact Form plugin?

It is easy to use and also has all the powerful features that you need to create amazing Contact Form. Now the only topic left is pricing. It has four different packages, choose which one is perfect for you.
You can also try the free lite version of WPForms with limited functionality to try out this plugin.

2. Formidable

Formidable is one of the most advanced Contact Form builder tools in the market. It designed with complex and dynamic applications in mind.
Most of the Contact Form plugin was build as easier to use and they require to install some other plugins in order to accomplish your need. But with Formidable you don’t need to install another plugin to create a complex form for your website.
Formidable is the only Contact Form builder tool you ever need to create all kind of form you want. Formidable has been created to build bigger applications. It bloated with various features that you may find unwanted if you are a beginner.
You can use this plugin to create online applications and add data management systems for tracking, and various payments collection forms such as donation, online order or payments.
The most useful features of this plugin are: Display form data with views, drag and drop form builder, dynamically add form field, multi-page form with progress bar, WordPress front end editor, create reports with graph and chart from data, calculating fields, cascade looking fields and so on.
If your site is small, it can serve you well at the first but it can increase the additional cost over long-term usage. You can use this plugin by paying the following price.

3. Gravity Forms

Gravity forms is a WordPress plugin that basically used for Contact Form. It is one of the easiest tools to create an advanced form for your website. With Gravity Forms, building a professional form is easy.
Just like WPForms, you can build an amazing form in a few minutes.
Like WPForms, it also comes with a ton of inbuilt features that is really useful. With this plugin, you can create a WordPress form using the intuitive visual editor. Gravity Forms has 30+ ready to use form fields.
It also has Conditional logic, email notifications, calculation, spam protection, and more features.
If you want a high performing Contact Form then the mandatory fact is that all of your forms must be mobile-friendly. That means it must respond to all kind of devices. And the good news is that Gravity forms bloated with mobile-friendly styles.
Forms are designed to be properly displayed on different types of mobile devices.
It’s Easy to Integrate Gravity Forms with various Online Services and Web Applications. Gravity Forms allows you to easily and quickly integrate with various add-ons from their own collection as well as third-party services such as PayPal, Stripe, FreshBooks, Zapier and so on.
If you are beginner then the price might be a bit higher for you.

4. Contact Form 7

Contact Form 7 is a WordPress Contact Form builder plugin. For several years, Contact Form 7 has been the most popular position in the market. This plugin has more than 5 million active installations.
This plugin is free to use. If you want to create an initial contact form, it can be a solution for you. Contact Form 7 let you integrate with various premium and free third-party add-ons.
Though it is already a powerful plugin, you can extend its power by integrating with some other services such as PayPal & stripe add-on, the conditional plugin for Contact Form 7, Really Simple Captcha, Contact Form 7 skins, CF7 Drop Uploader etc.
This plugin is free to use but they do accept donations.

5. Ninja Forms

Ninja Form is another ultimate form creation tool for WordPress powered websites. You will be able to create Contact Form in a few minutes using a simple but powerful drag and drop form builder.
With Ninja Forms free form creation tool, you will be able to create basic Contact Form as well as Order forms, Subscription/Opt-in forms, Survey, Post submission forms, etc. It also lets you integrate with some popular add-ons like PayPal, stripe, Zapier, webhooks, front end processing and many more.
Even though this is a free plugin, you can expand the functionality by installing a few premium add-ons if needed.
The interesting part is that you can buy the add-ons according to the functionality you need. In the beginning, It may seem like purchasing only the necessary add-on can be beneficial to you, but when your needs grow, then you will notice that it costs more than other premium plugins.

Which Contact Form Plugin should I choose?

The above-mentioned plugins are now more effective and most popular in the market. You can choose from one of these plugins that meet your needs, but we think that WPForms can be the best deal for most of the beginners.

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